NEW EP: Dear Passion, and a very busy schedule!

We've been spending most of the end of 2017 and early 2018 working on recording new music for you guys FINALLY! 

The writing & recording process is my personal favorite time that building of something out of nothing.   Granted most of these songs if you've been to shows will sound familiar as we've been playing them and honing them over the last year or two and it's only 4 songs (two more singles to follow later this summer!) 

Back in December amidst a lot of rock bottom feelings personally, our Drummer Glenn kickstarted the recording process (thank goodness!) and we went into King Killer Studios to get some Drums recorded for everything we'd been playing but hadn't yet released.  Glenn is a beast of a drummer and CRUSHED IT (along with many beers). 

We had a great time, discovered the amazing pizza of Table 87, found a cute liquor store with delicious spiced whiskey (December called for such festive delciousness), and managed to get 7 drum tracks done (again, Beast). 

Then Kris and I holed up in our practice space every Friday for a few weeks drinking bubbly and recording bass tracks for the EP.  Finally, I locked myself in my apartment and recorded a bunch of guitars and vocals and then we took that collection of chaos to Erik Braund to maek a masterpiece out of.  We kept it light performing wise through winter and now, now we're coming out of hibernation and we can't wait for you to hear the EP its' just 4 songs but it's so very much the first real TREADS EP that developed out of us playing together not just learning old songs I'd written for a different band.  

So I'm endlessly excited to share with you Dear Passion, the new EP from TREADS out 6/1 but you can get a sneak peak HERE (password is whatisMIKEeating) we hope you love it as much as we do! 

Dear Passions Album Art EP2

Release Party June 1, 2018 at The Gutter in BK on North 14th Street doors at 8:30, we're lucky enough to have buds in other great bands so the night will start with Desert Sharks, Oceanator and Bizarre Sharks before we perform, we hope to see you ALL there! 

We also have a VERY busy summer coming just for starters catch us:

June 1 (as mentioned) @ the Gutter BK

June 8 @ The footlight Bar

June 9 @ Two Boots Afternoon (5 pm ish) Acoustic show

June 15 @ Hank's Saloon (Pre Warped Celebration with Scenes from the Underground)

June 17 @ Pickthorn Hair Salon for COLOR ME BUSHWICK (we love this annual event!) 


June 26 @ Coney Island Baby 

July 14 @ Warped Tour

July 29 @ Warped Tour

Aug 15 @ Alphaville 


See you around and thanks so much for checking in with us! 


2017 Summer / Fall Cirque Du Punk & Babes All Rock Fest

Well Hello Again,

Last we met, the air was warm and summer was just about to get started.  What a perfect time to do some outdoor acoustic shows! Let me start by saying, these terrify me, I shake and tremble every time, which means of course I'd like to do tons more of them.  Two Boots Pizza in Williamsburg hosts a fantastic serious of acoustic shows over the summer of which I was lucky enough to be invited to play twice.  I highly recommend these events they're super fun outside in the sun, with pizza and wine, how could you go wrong! Check out a short clips of the solo acoustic version of TREADS song IDK Fun: 

We'd been hard at work rolling into fall prepping for a new kind of show, a show that combined Circus and music together.  Cirque Du Punk was born of the wonderful mind of Suzanne Karpinski and Torrie Olgivie.  They invited us to play as part of this somewhat odd but in the end incredily fun show.  It featured a collection of contortion, fire spinning, arial and burlesque. This would also mark the first time TREADS had seriously incorporated covers into our show.  We played Where Eagles Dare by Misfits, TKO by Le Tigre, Bad Day by Dresden Dolls, Should I Stay or Should I Go by The Clash, and Holiday in Cambodia by Dead Kennedy's.  Honestly though, my favorite was Kris's red hair spray slowly bleeding down their face as they sweat through the set!   


From one major event to the next, we jump ahead to Babe's All Rock fest at Baby's All Right December 3rd 2017.  It was something that came about after a discussion between some lovely ladies in the scene and Ana Becker (of Fruit & Flowers) made it happen! This was a full day of amazing women in music and TREADS got to kick of the event playing bright and early.  We had such a blast at this show.  I have to say it was the first time I felt like the band was really getting to know itself if that makes any sense.  It was such a joy to be on the bill, to see all the other bands play, and celebrate the fact that when I started playing music in Brooklyn, it was rare to share a bill with other women, now pretty much all our shows are 50/50 which is FANTASTIC!


TREADS wrapped up 2017 by kicking off the recording process for our 2nd EP!  We're quite excited for this one and hopefully we'll have new music for you by mid Spring.  Check back in for more, till then, with much love and appreciation,



The years like great black oxen tread the world, and God, the herdsman goads them on behind, and I am broken by their passing feet.
— William Butler Yeates

2017 Winter / Spring

Hello, It's Madge checking in.  We've had a lovely hibernation, how was yours? now that spring is well underway and we're all starting to gear up for summer I wanted to share with you some of the fun we've been having! 

I got to play an acoustic set at Sofar Sounds NYC office to an incredible group of music fans.  I can't remember the last time I played to a completely focused and attentive crowd of silent, phone-less people! It was pretty amazing and totally nerve wracking, but I'm so happy I did it.  Check out the video of Better Off, which will be out on the new EP this fall.

We had the pleasure of opening up for Radkey at Knitting Factory which was a total blast. First off Radkey are really fun live, second, Knitting Factory is a solid venue to play at (good sound fun staff


This is Mike

He Plays Guitar with us sometimes :) His band is called Nihiloceros 

Enjoy some other photos from our escapades, including our band tattoos as part of the Planned Parenthood fundraiser we participated in.

So that's all for now, touch base soon

- Madge

EP Title

Hello, Madge here, I've gotten a few questions about the nature of the title for our first EP, I Don't Know How to Have Fun on an Island Where I'm Always Wasting Time.  While it does accomplish the use-all-the-song-titles gimmick, the reason we actually used it was because it struck such a nerve with me. The reference is to the daily grind of traveling into Manhattan every morning wasting time coming home to get to work and how frustrating that rinse cycle repeat can feel. There is something incredibly draining and frustrating about just getting by.  That bubbling frustration encompasses a lot of the aggression on this EP. 

Manhattan by Aquatory was all I could find on the painting.  

Manhattan by Aquatory was all I could find on the painting.  


We couldn't be happier to finally be releasing our very first EP! 

The journey these four songs have taken is quite a long one.  Last September, Kris had just joined the band and the three of us jumped straight into Converse's Rubber Tracks studio. We had only just started playing together and were working on somewhat old songs, before having any true direction yet as a new group (or even solidified a new band name!), but when an opportunity like that comes along, you just jump on it.  

TREADS Recording @ Rubber Tracks 9.2015

TREADS Recording @ Rubber Tracks 9.2015

Glenn Drumming Away! 

Glenn Drumming Away! 

We had the privilege of working at Rubber Track's with Matt Shane was our lovely engineer that day and he was fantastic! 

With the basic tracking mostly done, I got in touch with Chris Gilroy to help us finish up the vocals, second guitars and mix!  He and I spent many many nights grinding out the vocals and going over the mixes at Douglas Street Records.  Once that was complete, Glenn's friend Justin Shturtz did us the honor of mastering all the tracks  at Sterling Sound and boom we had an EP.  In fact we had the EP done before we'd even settled on a new band name! 

During the process of finishing this, Glenn had a punctured ear drum, Kris got hit by a car and broke her foot, I moved apartments, Glenn switched jobs, Kris started school and finally, FINALLY, the 4 songs we managed to record are making their way to you. 

Now because you are all such beautiful people and we appreciate everyone following along this path, you can preview the whole EP HERE before it's official release :)




At the end of last summer we welcomed Kristi to the band on Bass.  After a few months though it was clear we had a bigger sound and a wider range of musical ambitions, so we started thinking about a new band name. It took a while, but I'm happy to announce that we finally settled on the name TREADS. Hi, We are TREADS enjoy. 

Music Coming This Summer :)